2008년 3월 7일 금요일

Blog#2: current situation

Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to thenovel? what are they, and how do they relate? does the novel shed anylight on how current situations could be resolved or “fixed”?

The ideal society in Fahrenheit 451 is corrupted and chaotic. However, Fahrenheit 451 is very similar to the society now. You will be very surprised after I say the similarities. First, bombs are flying over the city but people do not recognize it in Fahrenheit 451. In our society, bombs are flying over our heads too, but we do not care at all. We see news about war on Iraq but after few minutes we change the channel and found ourselves watching Comedy show and laughing like idiots. Second, I will first ask you one question. Can you describe the buildings around your house or the streets that you just walked by? I am sure that you do not even know the name of the buildings that is right in front of your house. Yes, people in the Fahrenheit 451 and we are living life meaningless. We are living our life so fast that we cannot even describe the buildings that we just passed by. Third, people are addicted to the media. People in the book watch the TV wall and communicate with them, and think that they are their family. You see what’s happening in our society? It’s becoming like the society in the Fahrenheit 451. Now days TVs are getting slimmer and soon will be the wall TV. And you know the seashell in the book? What do you that is? That’s the MP3s we are listening now. Yes, I know you got goose-bumps now. Now, you see what is our society going to be? Our current society is becoming just like the society that’s in the book. Therefore, the dystopia that is formed in the book is not so far from the society now. Ray Bradbury nailed what the world’s going to be in 1950’s. So, we should not think dystopia is far from now. Dystopia is waiting just right in front of us.

4 개의 댓글:

brybry :

David, I absolutely agree with you that our world is becoming like the dystopian world in Fahrenheit 451, and will perhaps and most likely become like it in the future. I agree that TVs, Seashells, our actions, addiction, and more in the books represent exactly what is going on nowadays. But I have one question. How can Mp3 players symbolize seashells? I thought seashells in the novel were like radios that you just listen. I don't see the picture why listening to MP3 players, or should I say, listening to music is bad afterall in current days.

Another question that I still have is, "Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or fixed?" I don't think you answered that question at all on this post. You only talked about the similarities bewteen this world and the world in the novel and about the current situations.

*by the way, cool profile pic.

JK :

I agree too about the current situation that's going on in the real world. If people ignore knowledge and become more lazy, the world will certainly become corrupted. I'm quite afraid of what the future will look like if we students don't study and read books to acheive knowledge. I will try my best and I hope you do too!

Clarion :

I don't really think that our society is very similar to the society featured in Fahrenheit 451, although I admit that our society is changing for the worse in some ways.

First, I don't think "bombs are flying over the city" in Fahrenheit 451. The only bombs I saw were the bombs that destroyed the city at the very end of the book, and yes, the people noticed those bombs quite clearly. Second, bombs aren't "flying over our heads." The only "bombs" that can fly over our heads are guided missiles (which aren't bombs in the first place). I do agree with you that we don't really care about the war in Iraq, although maybe that only applies to us children.

Sure, I can describe the buildings right in front of my house. Since I actually live in an apartment, the building in front of me is an apartment building that looks exactly the same as the one I'm living in now. Therefore, I definitely know the name of the building in front of my "house" as well. Even if I didn't know, so what? Why would that even matter? Would that prevent me from going to college or something?

I do agree that TVs are getting slimmer, but just because TVs are getting slimmer doesn't mean that we'll have more TV addicts. I mean, the thinness of TVs doesn't determine how addicted a person will be. A person will be addicted to television because of the television programs, not because of the television itself.

Also, the seashell that came out in the book was actually a radio. That's quite different from the MP3 players we have today.

No, dystopia is not in front of us. Although we do have many problems in the world, such as cancer, AIDS, poor/starving/homeless people, and etc., our world has improved in many ways as well. Think about it. Our life spans have increased significantly. We can now travel from one country to another in about a day or less. The flu is no longer a major problem. The list goes on and on. Thus, I don't think our world is that similar to a dystopia.

All in all, good post. I liked reading your thoughts, although I disagreed with most of them. Still, everyone's opinions are different, and I liked how your thoughts were creative and "out-of-the-box." Keep up the great work!

Kino :

I truely agree with you that this world is becoming like dystopian in Fahrenheit. Listening to music, playing games and having no communication outside of our box, it is like what Fahrenheit 451 is revealing to us.

The second question that you had to answer, you did not answer at all, so I can't comment on the second part. However, I would like to know :D