2008년 3월 17일 월요일

Blog #4: The Mood

What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you inany way? Why?

First, Mood is the emotion of the readers. As I read the Fahrenheit 451, the mood was very gloomy, and dark. From corrupted society, the society is controlled by technology. The scenery is very dark. Moreover, many people died. The old woman dies with books (which made Montag curious about reading), and Montag kills Captain Beatty. In addition, the mechanical Hounds are putting people to sleep which means to kill. As I was reading Fahrenheit 451, I realized that the society is also similar with society in the movie I-Robot. The quote the robots said was “if you guys are relying to us, you are controlled by us”. The people are just controlled by media and living like Zombies. The story saddens when Mildred stopped talking to the Montag anymore and watched TV. Because, I can see that the addiction to media can ruin one family and destroy one person. Moreover, I was shocked since, now the current society is becoming like Fahrenheit 451. The people are becoming zombies of the media. They go home, turn on the TV, and watch it for long time. In addition, it is true that communications between the families are getting lesser, and lesser. I felt uncomfortable after reading Fahrenheit 451 since it reflects current society. Even though, books about dystopia warn us, we just do not care about it and continue to live our life watching TV. Even though you do not want to admit, we are the zombies!

1 개의 댓글:

sharon kim :

the story saddens me too.
i do not want to become a zombie.
i is scary that we could be controled by the media if we do not care about literature.
I like the quote from I-Robot.
it cought my attention.
many people see the same problem that you saw through the book.
if we speak up and show others how important books are than the value of it will increase.