2008년 9월 21일 일요일

Independent Reading Post#1

Book I read: Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie
Author: Jordan Sonneblick

Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie has unique style of writing. As I was reading page by page, I could feel the main character talking next to me. This book uses first person point of view to make sure the reader gets the main point. The main character is Steven and he has a brother named Jeffery. Steven is a drum genius. His drum skills are so amazing. In this book, for few chapters at the beginning, it shows that Steven's thinking toward his brother. He really loves him but sometimes he gets annoyed. However, after few chapters, his family finds out that his brother has leukemia and his mom and his brother has to go to Philadelphia for hospital. Therefore, now on Steven and his dad has to work together as team and solve problems they face.

I think this book will be my favorite book. I seriously hate reading but, by reading this book, I cannot believe I am actually sitting at my desk and reading this amazing book. When it talked about his brother having Leukemia, tears dropped from my eyes. I was amazed with how author puts the word together to make you involve in the story.

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Ms. Lillo :

David, I'm glad that you are enjoying this book more than others you have read!